Timetabling a Hot Tub: How Proficient Power Management Saves on Operating Costs

by Jan 9, 2017

winter break, couple relaxing winter landscape

hand Touching Controls on the Arctic Spas Panel

Proper power management of your hot tub – a process known as “timetabling” within the hot tub & spa community – is an important factor in keeping your electricity bill and operating costs as low as possible. Thanks for advanced technological improvements, timetabling involved much less hassle than it used to.

Previously, timetabling a hot tub meant rigorous scheduling & task monitoring, endless reminders and tons of hands-on tinkering. And that was for on-site power management; for hot tub owners with remote tubs (vacation homes, second residences, etc.), the ability to monitor and manage their hot tub’s operation required maintenance personnel, a local resource or nearby relative.

As you probably guessed, the old way of timetabling was time-consuming. With so much to keep track of, it’s no wonder that skipping a power shutdown here or heater activation there became quite commonplace. Plus, trying to time a hot tub’s power usage with peak electricity rates added even more confusion and frustrating to the process.

Thankfully, keeping tabs on your hot tub’s power usage is now fast, easy and even enjoyable, thanks to MyArcticSpa.com.


Introducing the New Wave of Hot Tub and Spa Power Management

MyArcticSpa.com is the next generation of smart power management tools – available now from Arctic Spas! Optimizing power consumption is one of the best ways to save money on hot tub & spa operating costs. Arctic Spas allows complete user control, no matter where they happen to be.

Timetabling your Arctic Spas hot tub or portable spa is ideal for:

  • Ultimate remote control access. If you have a vacation home, beach house or remote location with an Arctic Spas hot tub, MyArcticSpas.com has agile, powerful, responsive features to give you 100% control with the press of a button!
  • Quick, comprehensive usage snapshot. Our new Power Consumption feature on MyArcticSpas.com provides full operational overview of your hot tub’s electricity usage in three different time periods: last 24 hours, last 7 days and last 30 days. With easy-to-read filter cycles and heating cycles, you can develop your own timetabling schedule. Precise, minute-to-minute operating functions are now available in customized time frames, whenever you want.
  • Accurate, up-to-date cost monitoring. For most people, it’s helpful to know how much electricity is used to heat, filter and maintain their hot tub. Now, that measurement is converted to accurate dollars and cents output. The Arctic Spas Power Consumption tool allows customized entry for your electricity cost and shows how much it costs to operate your hot tub.

MyArcticSpa.com power management tools and other controls include:

  • Temperature adjustments
  • Pump power management
  • Adjust Onzen levels (Arctic Spas’ exclusive salt water hot tub controls)
  • Filtration settings
  • Firmware upgrades
  • Custom filtration cycles
  • Heater, filter and ozone control, 7 days per week (ideal to avoid peak electrical expenses)
  • Instant access to owner’s manual, quick reference guides and other documentation
  • Error code research
  • Complete, personalized profile management
  • And many more

Even if you prefer a hands-on, traditional timetabling effort, Arctic Spas has plenty of topside tub controls to keep your hot tub running efficiently, all with a minimal electric bill. Our topside control console offers all of the powerful, touch-of-a-button capability as our app and web portal. Whether you’re in the same room as your tub or halfway across the world, Arctic Spas timetabling and power management controls keep your user satisfaction sky-high, even while your electric operation costs remain ultra-low! For first-time users, registering your hot tub or spa at MyArcticSpa.com is a breeze!

Arctic Spas has built our reputation with the world’s most durable, strongest, highest-quality hot tubs and spas. With our powerful control and monitoring tools at your disposal, we’ve created a two-pronged approach to total customer satisfaction:

  • Toughness – no other hot tub offers the weather-ready attributes, efficient design and enjoy-anywhere qualities of Arctic Spas.
  • Technology – MyArcticSpas.com is just one part of our complete suite of hot tub and spa controls, designed to give you the freedom, enjoyment and peace of mind you deserve.

Toughness. Technology. Timetabling. All-weather tenacity. See why Arctic Spas is the clear-cut choice for hot tub enthusiasts all across the globe. Check out our exclusive controls for yourself and visit your nearest Arctic Spas store today. You can also call us at 1-800-309-1744, or visit our contact page to send a secure message.

If you’re interested in efficient, streamlined hot tub operation, Arctic Spas can help today. Stop throwing money away with your current hot tub – contact Arctic Spas and see how our tools can help you start saving money right away.