How to identify hot tub blower voltage output voltage
All right, this segment here we’re going to do a quick run over on identifying voltage for what voltage your blower is running, and how to make sure the appropriate voltage is coming out of the pack to go to that blower. There is a 110 volt and 230 volt blowers in the industry today, and so the packs are equipped to be able to run both of them. Right now we run 230 volt blowers through all of our spas that come out of production, but there has been 110s in the past. And so since the pack is capable of running both we just want to make sure that you know how to identify if it is a 110 or a 230 volt blower and how to know which voltage is coming out of the pack.
Very easily on the blower itself, if you take a look here it says 230 volt. So, it says one 110 volts, 110. 230 is 230. Very simple. Your plugs are the same on either one, but when we come into the pack here we are going to see where they go and really the main difference is on a blower this 110 has a neutral that runs and if it’s 220 the neutral becomes hot. So, there will be two hots coming in. Now this pack right here, what we are going to do is we’re going to zoom in on where the spades hook up for the power to go into it and I’m going to show you how to convert it over.
So, coming in we are going to find the neutral. It’s sitting right here on line two. So, this is line two which is power coming in. I pull this spade off and plug it on to this line which is your neutral bar. So, I go into the neutral block, the neutral is a neutral and the blower will run as 110. Put it over put it on to line two and now it is going to have live power going to it and the blower is going to be running as 230 volt coming out of the pack. Very straight forward. Next one we have here is your gecko pack and its going to do the same thing. We’re just going to try to get zoomed in on the area we need to see.
Then we are going to come down from our blower which is right here and see that line comes down and right now its sitting on P49, which is in the ground of the neutral area it is a neutral bar sitting right there. And P59, which is right down here, is going to run it for 230 volts, so I am going to move that over to P39 and you’re going to have 230 volts running. The reason we need to know this for the most part is if you’re originally running a 110 and you come out and change over the blower and put a 230 volt in obviously it’s only going to get half as much power and it’s not going to perform and we don’t want to have a situation where you have to go back a couple of times to try to figure out or diagnose why this blower isn’t performing entirely. And if you are going to do it vice versa, have a 230 volt going and you plug a 110 blower in most likely you are going to do some severe damage to the electrical components within the 110 blower. Okay, that’s it we’ll call it a wrap and on to the next segment.