GFT Feature Sheet for Arctic Hot Tubs March 2012

by Mar 15, 2012

winter break, couple relaxing winter landscape

The Eco pack hot tub control system has advanced diagnostics that simulate unplugging each component so techs or owners can help diagnose problems.

These are the instructions for that process.


The ground fault test (GFT) is used when a feature is suspected of causing the spa to trigger a ground fault.

What can I do to reduce my hot tub’s energy use?
Entering the Ground Fault Test Menu

To enter the GFT menu, hold the light button on the Topside for 10 seconds.
After 5 seconds the units for the temperature will change ( oF <‐> oC), and after
10 seconds any features running are turned off and “GFT” is displayed on the
screen. If the heater was running when entering the GFT menu, then it will restart.
